Paper 32409
1.380,50 €
Mixta sobre papel de acuarela Fabriano 350gcm2
70 x 50cm
Mixed media on Fabriano 350gcm2 watercolor paper
70 x 50cm
1 disponibles
SKU: MJAR2931/LAND-2021 Categorías: All the paintings, Feria Internacional de Barcelona, Paisajes 20/21
Green and fresh fields, contrasting dense areas and other transparent
Although this painting can be hung directly, since the paper has a lot of body, I suggest
putting a natural wood frame on it. (in a photo you can see an idea of framing.)
Floating Landscapes Series (Interdimensional Maps)
Mixta sobre papel de acuarela Fabriano 350gcm2
70 x 50cm
Mixed media on Fabriano 350gcm2 watercolor paper
70 x 50cm
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